Make Your Wildlife iPhone Pics Pop

Greetings, nature lovers and wildlife photographers! Are you looking to jump into the wild to take some stunning shots of the furry and feathered friends that call Montana home? And, do it using your trusty iPhone? Well, we’ve got you covered with some suggestions and tips that will help you level up your wildlife photography game like a pro.
1. Patience is THE virtue: Always remember, wildlife photography is a huge waiting game. As much as you hope all the critters will emerge and pose perfectly for you within minutes of your arrival, oh, it’s never gonna happen. Here, you’ll have to channel your inner zen master. Be sure to find a good spot then wait for that right moment to capture that perfect shot. Once again, be patient. Animals come out when THEY want.
2. Get Up Close and Personal…But, not too personal: Do NOT be tempted to get as close as possible to wildlife! You are in the realm of wild animals and they are always unpredictable and can be very dangerous. There is a Facebook page known for posting about idiot tourists who do dumb things like this. And, they’re referred to as Tourons = Tourist + Moron. This is when common sense and safety around wildlife completely escape their brain. They put themselves in harm’s way. (See photo)
Don’t ever think the big bull buffalo or elk is just a big puppy on steroids. You’ll quickly learn how painful a horn or antler in the rump is. Also, you will wind up with a video and title of being a Touron on social media. So, please be smart. Also, use your phone’s zoom features. Or, get some zippy new clip-on zoom lenses so you won’t get a horn in the butt. More importantly too, you won’t disturb the creatures.
3. Embrace the Sun: Known as the golden hour, it’s a magical time of day when the sun casts a warm, soft light. This is the ideal time for capturing stunning wildlife shots. However, it can also be a big feeding time for wildlife. (See #2 above. Don’t be a Touron!) But, if you want stunning lighting, sunrise or sunset adds that extra touch of magic to your photos.
4. Don’t get the Zoomies. Leave that to your overcrazed puppy and don’t keep zooming in on your subject. Remember, digital zoom can lead to loss of image quality. Instead, if you can get physically closer to your subject SAFELY, go for it. But, again…be safe! Of course, you can crop your photos later to maintain that crisp, clear quality.
5. You Can Always Edit: A little touch-up editing will go a long way to enhance those wildlife photos. There are plenty of apps you can use to fine-tune your images. And, these will help with adjusting exposure, contrast, or color to make your photos pop even more.
So, there you have it, folks! Be patient, add a sprinkle of creativity, and always keep a sense of humor when dealing with wildlife. And, never ever be a Touron. Follow these easy common sense tips and you’ll be well on your way to capturing breathtaking wildlife moments with just your iPhone. Now go forth, snap away, our non-touron friends and show us how great of a wildlife photographer you are!
And, if you get any photos you want us to share on our Social Media pages, we’d love that! Just email us at or message them to us via FB or Insta and if you include your name, we’ll be happy post your amazing photos with credit. Happy snapping!
Don’t forget, when it’s time to book your vacation – anytime of the year be sure to book with us at Whitefish Glacier Vacations. When you book directly on our site, you SAVE from those high fees on third-party sites like VRBO and Airbnb. And, you have access to our local property manager and can reach us anytime if you have any questions during your stay via phone, text or email. We are here for our guests! Browse through our great properties and email us at if there’s a property you’d like to learn more about. Or, call us if you have booking questions too. Also, we can be a little busy with cleaning (we take that very very seriously) so if you get our voicemail, please leave us a message. We will call you back, as soon as we have a few minutes to give you our undivided attention.
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